SEND Information

Great Orton Primary School will cooperate generally with the local authority and local partners in the development and review of the local offer.


To identify pupils with SEN, Great Orton Primary School will:

  • Assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry.
  • Make regular assessments of all pupils to ensure that the intervention:
    - Ensures that the child’s progress is similar to that of their peers starting from the same baseline.
    - Matches or betters the child’s previous rate of progress.
    - Closes the attainment gap between the child and their peers.
    - Prevents the attainment gap growing wider.

The school will provide extra support to pupils falling behind or making inadequate progress given their age and starting point.

Assess whether a pupil has a significant learning difficulty where pupils continue to make inadequate progress, despite high-quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness.

Graduated Approach

Great Orton Primary will, once a potential SEN has been identified, employ a graduated approach using the Assess, Plan, Do and Review cycle of provision and management to meet pupil needs:

  • Establishing a clear assessment of the pupil’s needs.
  • Planning with the pupil’s parents, the interventions and support to be put in place, as well as the expected impact on progress, development and behaviour, along with a clear date for review
  • Implementing the interventions, with support of the SENDCO.
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of the interventions and making any necessary revisions.


  • Children will receive enhanced assessment through the review of progress made on IEPs (Individual Education Plans).
  • When needed, we will seek additional assessment and advice from outside specialists and use this to ensure the best outcomes for our children.
  • Great Orton Primary School will, in consultation with the pupil’s parents, request an EHC Assessment from the local authority, where a pupil’s needs cannot be met through the resources normally available within the school.
  • The school will meet its duty to respond to any request for information relating to a statutory assessment, to the local authority, within 6 weeks of receipt.
  • If the decision is taken not to issue an EHC plan, the school will consider and implement the recommendations of feedback from the local authority, regarding how the pupil’s outcomes can be met through the school's existing provision.

Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans

  • Great Orton Primary School will meet its duty to respond to the local authority within 15 days, if it is named on a pupil’s EHC plan.
  • The school will admit any child that names the school in an EHC plan.
  • The school will ensure that all those teaching or working with a child named in an EHC plan, are aware of the pupil’s needs and that arrangements are in place to meet them.
  • The school will request a re-assessment of an EHC plan at least 6 months following an initial assessment, if a pupil’s need significantly change.

Reviewing an EHC plan

Great Orton Primary School will:

  • Review all EHC Plans annually and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that an annual review meeting takes place.
  • Seek advice and information about the pupil from a range of sources prior to the annual review meeting.
  • Send any advice and information gathered to all those invited at least two weeks prior to the annual review meeting.
  • Prepare and send a report of the meeting to everyone invited within 2weeks of the meeting.
  • Ensure that a review of a pupil’s EHC plan is undertaken at least 7 months before transfer to another phase of education.

SEN and Disability Tribunal

Great Orton Primary School will meet any request to attend a SEND Tribunal and explain any departure from its duties and obligations under the SEN Code of Practice.

Preparing children for adulthood

Great Orton Primary School will ensure that it meets its duty to secure independent, impartial careers guidance for pupils aged 8-13, including:

  • Ensuring that careers advice and information provides high aspirations and a wide range of options for pupils with SEND. 
  • Securing access to independent face-to-face support for pupils with SEN or disabilities to make successful transitions.

Data and record keeping

Great Orton Primary School will:

  • Maintain details of SEND, outcomes, teaching strategies and the involvement of specialists, as part of its standard system to monitor the progress, behaviour and development of all pupils.
  • Maintain an accurate and up-to-date register of the provision made for pupils with SEN.


Great Orton Primary School will not disclose any pupil data without the consent of the pupil’s parents unless there is a legal duty to do so and any pupil data held complies with the requirements of GDPR.

  • To the SEN and Disability Tribunal when parents appeals and to the Secretary of State if a complaint is made under the Education Act 1996.
  • On the order of any court for the purpose of any criminal proceedings.
  • For the purposes of investigations of maladministration under the Local Government Act 1974.
  • To enable any authority to perform duties arising from the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 or from the Children Act relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
  • To Ofsted inspection teams as part of their inspections of schools and local authorities.
  • To any person in connection with the pupil’s application for disabled students allowance in advance of taking up a place in higher education.
  • To the principal (or equivalent position) of the institution at which the pupil is intending to start higher education.

Link to Cumbria Children’s Services SEN information:

​Please refer to SEND policy for further information on the process followed for Special Educational needs in the policies section of this website.